Sunday, December 28, 2008

Wichita News

Well, my new shrink caused herself a pretty bad car wreck that totaled her car. She rammed into the back of another car, you see. Both parties were unharmed.

What else...The Pawnee & Broadway Walmart was pretty busy the day after Christmas, but I was able to leave with an Angels & Airwaves CD (I-Empire) and some groceries. I managed to pick the world's slowest and oldest cashier tho. I also picked the slowest and dumbest cashier in the Electronics Department (cause yer sposed to pay for CDs and stuff in the same dept). Patience is a virtue!

A few Wichitans must have gotten money for Xmas, because they were buying (what I think is unimpressive technology) LCD HDTVs. Too expensive for this poor hermit. And I just don't think they're worth the huge price tag. (I'm convinced Walmart and the TV manufactures are gouging the Hell out of people.)

Friday, December 5, 2008

Pussy Cats and Lap Dogs

Well, for the past several weeks, the "stock market" has been stuck fluctuating between 8,000 and 9,000 points. Stuck.

What's it gonna take to convince all you baby boomers to cash in your 401K's?

No civilized country needs a "stock market." The economy is completely independent of it.

"Unless you see signs and wonders you will by no means believe."

God is pissed. He does not like gambling. And He doesn't like it when people don't listen.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Secondhand Stoned

My neighbors have been blazing the chronic this evening, and the fumes have seeped thru into my apartment. Check out my pupils. Not totally baked, but certainly buzzed.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Wichita's in Kansas?

Okay, so I forgot that no one can predict the future. Sue me.

The stock market has just kind of been hovering in about the same place. At least that's what my TV tells me. But my TV lies most of the time. I have to keep it on mute.

So what's new in Wichita?

We've finally gotten some fall-like weather (60s & 70s)----

The leaves are changing (mostly yellow, some orange)----

Today is Halloween----

The new downtown arena is coming along nicely (supposed to be finished January 2010, I think)----


Friday, October 17, 2008

Wichita Vortex Sutra

I got my mail-in ballot todaye. I voted Libertarian.

Besides being the #1 real estate market in the country, Wichita also has the lowest gas prices.

The End of Money Hoarding

The stock market is going to zero. Just watch.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Delivered to the Torturers

Why are people so hopelessly stupefied by the words of Jesus?

God is easy to understand.

You owe Him everything, and if you do not pay Him back with a simple thing called "love," He delivers you to the torturers until you pay everything you owe.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

"No Man Can Serve Two Masters"

The quote is from the Bible----and yes, Jesus said it. He was talking about people who worship money, as so many people still do today. He was saying, you have to choose who is greater, God or money.

The stock market went down 777 points because God is sending a message: Stop serving money and serve Me. No man can serve two masters, and who would you rather resemble, money or God?

Politicians also say you should put "country" first. This is just as bad as making money your master. God comes first----before country, money (the "economy"), family and church.

Even preachers worship money instead of God. All of them want you to send them money for their "interpretations" of what Jesus said----rejecting the living word of God.

Surely people should invest a lot more time in the word of God, instead of gambling their grandchildren's inheritance in the "stock market."

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Words of Wisdom

Buddha was probably not the first person to say it, but it is just as true as it was 2,500 years ago,

"People are deluded."

I have to add a bit,

"People are severely, criminally, psychotically deluded."

Sunday, September 14, 2008

The Demise of the "Internet"

I can't see this minor phenomenon known as the "Web" lasting forever. For one thing, a decent transmission speed is way too expensive for the amount of content you get.

I see a backlash from the "computer illiterate." It's too complicated for even smart people to create a decent website by themselves. And programmers are ensuring their job security by making Internet programming undecipherable.

Then there's Internet shopping. It's inconsistent at best. Let me just say there are a lot of crooks out there.

What about "spam," or, junk email? Why can't somebody get this crap under control?

Anyway, I'm not investing too much energy in something I think will eventually be obsolete.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

The Most Evil People In Town

The Mental Health Association, or "MHA."

Let's run these bastards out of town.

They worship Satan. Not the good Satan, but the evil one.

Everyone who works with these people agrees they are evil and anti-health.

All they want is your insurance money, as much as they can possibly bleed out of you.

Take the 'ugh' out of the English language

I challenge my fellow English speakers to help in modernizing our language.

I'm not saying to go so far as to reduce everything to abbreviations (like so many texters and chatroom kiddies), but let's simplify things, for everyone's sake.

When I say, "Take the 'ugh' out of the English language," I mean it literally.

Simplify old-fashioned words like 'thought' and 'bought' to 'thot' and 'bot'

Why do we need 3 silent letters in words we use everyday?
A waste of time if you ask me.

Also there's 'night' and 'light'
These are much more easily spelled phonetically as 'nite' and 'lite'

Maybe this could also help the many immigrants struggling to learn English.
Why make it so hard?

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Godless Citizenry

Everywhere I go in Wichita, I find nothing but atheists. Everybody thinks they can do it better than God. There is no love between neighbors, and the furthest thing from everyone's mind is love for God.

I'm not sure if people are just stupid, or if they actively delight in wickedness. Either way, it's time to wake up, because God is watching.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Medical Marijuana In Wichita Now!

Lives are at stake while busybodies debate the issue.

Get real and legalize it already.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Anti-Kathleeen Sebelius

This woman is power-mad and an egomaniac. She has no backbone and is a puppet of whoever screams the loudest. She has poor judgment and made a perfectly harmless herb illegal. She has no vision and would set back the medical marijuana movement.

A black man and a woman. The democrats are really pushing their luck. They're counting on the massive amounts of white liberal guilt to carry them.

Isn't this country based on independence from tyrants? The law was made for man, not man for the law.

I'm not voting.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Pedestrian Peril

How about some clean sidewalks, Wichita?

Or better yet, some NEW sidewalks.