Tuesday, September 30, 2008

"No Man Can Serve Two Masters"

The quote is from the Bible----and yes, Jesus said it. He was talking about people who worship money, as so many people still do today. He was saying, you have to choose who is greater, God or money.

The stock market went down 777 points because God is sending a message: Stop serving money and serve Me. No man can serve two masters, and who would you rather resemble, money or God?

Politicians also say you should put "country" first. This is just as bad as making money your master. God comes first----before country, money (the "economy"), family and church.

Even preachers worship money instead of God. All of them want you to send them money for their "interpretations" of what Jesus said----rejecting the living word of God.

Surely people should invest a lot more time in the word of God, instead of gambling their grandchildren's inheritance in the "stock market."

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Words of Wisdom

Buddha was probably not the first person to say it, but it is just as true as it was 2,500 years ago,

"People are deluded."

I have to add a bit,

"People are severely, criminally, psychotically deluded."

Sunday, September 14, 2008

The Demise of the "Internet"

I can't see this minor phenomenon known as the "Web" lasting forever. For one thing, a decent transmission speed is way too expensive for the amount of content you get.

I see a backlash from the "computer illiterate." It's too complicated for even smart people to create a decent website by themselves. And programmers are ensuring their job security by making Internet programming undecipherable.

Then there's Internet shopping. It's inconsistent at best. Let me just say there are a lot of crooks out there.

What about "spam," or, junk email? Why can't somebody get this crap under control?

Anyway, I'm not investing too much energy in something I think will eventually be obsolete.