Friday, October 31, 2008

Wichita's in Kansas?

Okay, so I forgot that no one can predict the future. Sue me.

The stock market has just kind of been hovering in about the same place. At least that's what my TV tells me. But my TV lies most of the time. I have to keep it on mute.

So what's new in Wichita?

We've finally gotten some fall-like weather (60s & 70s)----

The leaves are changing (mostly yellow, some orange)----

Today is Halloween----

The new downtown arena is coming along nicely (supposed to be finished January 2010, I think)----


Friday, October 17, 2008

Wichita Vortex Sutra

I got my mail-in ballot todaye. I voted Libertarian.

Besides being the #1 real estate market in the country, Wichita also has the lowest gas prices.

The End of Money Hoarding

The stock market is going to zero. Just watch.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Delivered to the Torturers

Why are people so hopelessly stupefied by the words of Jesus?

God is easy to understand.

You owe Him everything, and if you do not pay Him back with a simple thing called "love," He delivers you to the torturers until you pay everything you owe.