Sunday, February 15, 2009

All this 2012 Nonsense

If you haven't heard, the world is supposed to end (again) on Dec 12, 2012.

All this because of the Mayan calendar. You know, those scary carved discs with a monster in the middle sticking out his tongue.

How anyone gleaned anything at all out of this thing baffles me.

Tho the History Channel did its best to scare people to death (hey, it's supposed to be the history channel not the future channel), I refused to watch their stupid show.

Just like when that jerk-off movie "The Day After" or whatever it was called, came out in the 80's, about a Nuclear War----Just jerks trying to scare the hell out of kids.

And you can tell something about this "prediction" by the people who believe it. People like Mel Gibson, who spent 2 hours scourging the Jesus out of Jesus with a whip, in The Passion of the Christ. And people like Billy Corgan of Smashing Pumpkins. He's been a doomsayer for the longest time, and now has something he can call his own.

Basically, the people who believe in this new doomsday are Godless losers.

'Nuff said

Thursday, February 12, 2009

A Good Laugh

Leave it to "the usual gang of idiots" at MAD Magazine to get it right.

For a (finally) funny image of the "real" Obama behind-the-scenes, click this:

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

A Couple Things

There are a couple things I really need to get out there.

First, preachers. I find nothing more disgusting and blasphemous as when preachers preach from the letters of Paul. Paul was a con man at best, and it infuriates me when preachers quote him and say they are quoting Jesus. Fools and blind, indeed.

Second, when did Barack become a dictator? His whole demeanor has become authoritarian and angry. Another con man. Bait and switch, indeed.

On a less complaining note, here is an idea for people struggling to pay their bills: Cancel your pay TV service. My cable bill was typically my largest one, after rent. Tho I've gone from 65 to 7 channels, my frustration with flipping thru expensive garbage is gone. Digital TV is not perfect (a lot of antenna adjustments), but it's free. And the one HD channel I get has a far clearer picture than my cable ever did (on a regular TV).

Monday, February 2, 2009

The Audacity of Politics-As-Usual

As I watch Barack bumble his way into the presidency, I can't help but laugh.

Nearly a trillion dollars he wants to spend, but none of it's going to the poor. Doesn't anyone know that if you give money to the poor, they are going to spend almost everything they get? It all goes into the "economy."

When you give money to the rich, all they do is hoard it, as so many have in their "retirement accounts." And they're not even the richest who have most of the money rotting away who-knows-where.

Now, God has given all the 401k holders plenty of time to bail out with a good chunk of what they invested. I fear soon it will be too late for them.

Now what did Jesus say? "If you would be perfect, sell what you have and give to the poor."

I guess Barack doesn't want to be perfect, or take good advice.

So where's this "wealth redistribution" he promised?

He's a hustler, and you all got hustled.