Wednesday, February 11, 2009

A Couple Things

There are a couple things I really need to get out there.

First, preachers. I find nothing more disgusting and blasphemous as when preachers preach from the letters of Paul. Paul was a con man at best, and it infuriates me when preachers quote him and say they are quoting Jesus. Fools and blind, indeed.

Second, when did Barack become a dictator? His whole demeanor has become authoritarian and angry. Another con man. Bait and switch, indeed.

On a less complaining note, here is an idea for people struggling to pay their bills: Cancel your pay TV service. My cable bill was typically my largest one, after rent. Tho I've gone from 65 to 7 channels, my frustration with flipping thru expensive garbage is gone. Digital TV is not perfect (a lot of antenna adjustments), but it's free. And the one HD channel I get has a far clearer picture than my cable ever did (on a regular TV).

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