Monday, December 7, 2009

Human Rights

Why does a schizophrenic have fewer rights than a felon?

What do I mean? I mean that at the mental hospital, the staff can FORCE you to take any medication THEY deem necessary. In a prison, they can't force prisoners to take any medication at all.

Why is this a problem you ask? Because drugs have SIDE EFFECTS. Many are unknown and can permanently change a patient's body chemistry.

One of these drugs is ATIVAN. I was FORCED to take this drug, by an RN and two security guards, because THEY THOUGHT I SHOULD. One dose was all it took to radically alter my body chemistry, maybe for life.

One week after being FORCED to take this drug, I started having severe panic attacks. I'll spare you the long story, but now I am basically ADDICTED to this drug, because without it the panic attacks return.

Why do criminals have more rights than the mentally ill???

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